Basics for Effective Recognition

 Employee recognition is more than just a quick pat on the back. To make sure you reinforce the performance you want effectively, remember these essential truths: 


  • Memories fade quickly. Will employees who are struggling with a major project today remember that you thanked them for their work in April—or even last week? Positive reinforcement is an ongoing process. Don’t get so caught up in the idea of specific annual or monthly celebrations that you neglect to provide positive feedback on a daily basis. 


  • The bottom line is just the start. Don’t limit your recognition efforts to employees who make the most money for your organization. Focus on the behaviors that lead to success: improving quality, taking initiative, providing service, and solving problems. By broadening your scope beyond generating revenue, you can provide opportunities for every employee in the company to earn recognition. 


  • Workers aren’t mind readers. Does everyone understand why some workers are singled out for praise? You can’t reinforce positive behaviors if workers aren’t sure what behaviors merit accolades. Whether you’re presenting a formal reward or a saying a simple thank-you, take the time to explain what these employees did right. 


  • Proportion is important. When recognizing employee efforts, make sure the prize fits the achievement. You don’t have to hand out hundred dollar bills for answering the phone correctly, but don’t reward an employee who saves your organization a substantial sum with a gift certificate for coffee. 

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