Business Bytes: Evaluate Engagement with These Questions Printer friendly format

Do your employees consistently work energetically, enthusiastically, and up to their potential? If not, you’ve got some work to do. Before launching into a program of engagement, though, ask them some questions to assess how they feel about your organization and their jobs: 

• Do employees feel their jobs are significant? Regardless of what products or services your organization provides, reminding employees of the benefits you’re providing to your customers increases most employees’ sense of doing something meaningful. 

• Are employees able to do a good job every day? 
To work up to their potential, staffers need essential materials, equipment, and support. They should be placed in positions and receive assignments that let them use their best and most enjoyed skills in their work each day. 

• Is the workplace supportive and friendly?
 Engaged employees feel their opinions are sought, registered, and treated with respect. They also need managers who show they care about their employees as people as well as workers. Regularly helping employees to develop their skills and advance their careers shows your commitment to their needs. Working with fellow employees who do their jobs with care and enthusiasm also motivates most employees, particularly if they can develop close friendships. 

• Is workplace support consistent?
 Ideally, employees should receive recognition or praise at least once a week, skills development or career advice a few times a year, and opportunities to learn and grow all the time.